Toddler Town & LWECC ApplicationPlease fill out the application below: Child Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Gender * Enrollment * New Returning Sibling in school Sibling in School First Name Last Name Start Date * MM DD YYYY Days per week * TT is our Infant/Toddler program (Ages 8 weeks - 30 months). LWECC is our Preschool/Pre-K program (Ages 2.5 - 4 years). FLEX is our most extended schedule (7a - 6p). BASE is our regular school schedule (8:30a - 4:30p). Prices per month. TT: 5-Day FLEX | $1695 TT: 5-Day BASE | $1375 TT: 3-Day BASE | $1275 LWECC: 5-Day FLEX | $1595 LWECC: 5-Day BASE | $1275 LWECC: 3-Day BASE | $1175 BASE Add Ons Extended hours add ons for BASE schedule. Prices per month. Early Drop Off (from 7a) | $200 Late Pick Up (until 6p) | $350 APPLICATION AGREEMENTS Financial Agreement * I agree to pay the tuition selected above for the school year on time. I also agree to pay the non-refundable registration fee of $225 and the non-refundable annual facility fee of $99. As explained in the JCC Policies & Procedures, I understand that I will be charged if I am late to pick up my child. (After 4:30p for BASE: $30/day for Late Pick Up and after 6p: $5/minute until your child is picked up) I agree Policy Confirmation * I confirm I have read, understood, and accepted the terms and policies outlined in the JCC Policies and Procedures. I confirm Photo and Video Permission * The JCC of Bayonne regularly takes photographs and videos of children enrolled. They may be shared with you and other families on Brightwheel, emails or newsletters to illustrate the daily curriculum, to chronicle a child’s development, or to document program activities. Additionally, they may be used for other communication and marketing purposes including (but not limited to) our website, our social media channels, program brochures and printed materials. I give permission for photographs and videos of my child to be used as described above. I ONLY give permission for photographs and videos of my child to be used for curriculum purposes, documenting my child’s progress and communication with me and other families. PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Please Note: Parent Guardian 1 is the responsible party for this agreement. Parent/Guardian 1 * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Mobile * (###) ### #### Email * Parent/Guardian 2 First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian 2 Address If different from Parent Guardian 1 Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Parent/Guardian 2 Mobile (###) ### #### Parent/Guardian 2 Email EMERGENCY CONTACTS Please provide 2 emergency contacts other than the parents. Emergency Contact * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact Phone * (###) ### #### Emergency Contact Email * Emergency Contact 2 * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact 2 Phone * (###) ### #### Emergency Contact 2 Email *